Thursday, October 12, 2006

The diagnosis

Yesterday, the lump on Quent’s kidney was confirmed as cancer. It’s a little more serious than they thought as it has spread to the lungs and the lymph nodes. The action now is to remove the left kidney (in two weeks’ time) and then move into a new form of treatment called immunotherapy (as chemotherapy and radiotherapy apparently won’t work for this type of cancer). Apparently we have the top surgeon for this (Mr Christmas) and he works with the pioneer of immunotherapy.

I also picked up 6 books from the Post Office. Four about fighting cancer with food, which I haven’t started yet – although we have started following the excellent advice of our friend Clo, who knows a thing or two about nutrition. One about Fighting Cancer with a Positive Outlook (Quent could have written that one!) and one called “What can I do to help” which is written for family and friends.

One of first things the author of “What I can do to help” says is that if the cancer doesn’t finish me off quickly, the telephone will. That made us laugh. Of course we understand that if you love Quent (and that’s a lot of people), you will want to call. But the phone hasn’t stopped ringing and Quent is more excited about watching his Nania DVD than talking about his illness. The author of the book suggested setting up a blog.

I know it’s a bit new age for many of us and it doesn’t mean we won’t talk again, but I hope you will understand if we are feeling overwhelmed and direct you to the blog for news. I am not sure how we will do, but it’s worth a go as it allows people to read the latest and leave comments / thoughts if they like.

The books kind of sum up how we are going to fight this. With great diet (I am in charge of that one), positive thinking (Quent is in charge of that one) love and laughter (We share both of those). We laughed a lot yesterday and that’s how we want it to be. We have a tough time ahead of us, but we will be rushing out of the other side with smiles on our faces as soon as we can.

I will keep you posted.

Lots of love – and sorry to “piss on your evening” as Quent so charmingly puts it!



Blogger Keith said...

We're rooting for you, Q. Get well soon!
Keith & Ali

Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:55:00 pm  
Blogger Charles&Carol said...

Hi Quent & Helen
If the number of people wishing you both well has owt to do with it, then we look forward to seeing you bounce back.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Lots of Love
Charles & Carol

Monday, October 16, 2006 9:45:00 pm  
Blogger Keith said...

Hi, Q!
Glad you got the op early and it's all good so far. 1.4kg, eh? Sounds like a whopper to me. Touch wood it continues to go well and you get home as soon as anticipated.

Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:33:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I told Christine that you had gone in to Hospital yesterday, she said that she had been thinking of you all day, obviously an admirer!

Don’t get the buttons mixed up, as the morphine button does not seem to call the nurse very well.
All the Best Dave & Christine

Friday, October 20, 2006 1:57:00 am  

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