Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Party games

It's now four weeks since Quent's operation, which means he can stop injecting himself with Clexane (a blood thinning agent, like Warfarin). To celebrate this milestone he introduced a party game for Oakley and myself - the slightly edgy version of 'pin the tail on the donkey'.

Having been banned from giving blood in the early 1990s for excessive fainting, I was first up. I gave my first ever injection on Saturday night and proved I could do it again on Sunday. Actually, it was surprisingly easy. I still feel a little bit faint if anyone gives too much medical detail about anything, but I can now give a jab, if jabbing is required.

This evening it was Oakley's turn and he too passed with flying colours. He is now qualified to become a nurse, doctor or drug addict. (Argh!)

So, we are all feeling quite happy about using Quentin's emergency injection kit, should the need arise. Now, if only we could find it....

...'hunt the thimble', anyone?


Anonymous Ben said...

Under the floorboards...?

Thursday, June 19, 2014 10:28:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done mum and Oakley. A lot more use than some of the little pricks I deal with some days :) J xx

Monday, June 30, 2014 10:56:00 pm  

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