Have I got news for you
It’s the spot the difference round and the four celebrities this week are :
Andy Spurr – Oxbridge student
Helen Langley – Masseuse
Clare McCaffrey – Violinist
Helen Webb – Housewife
You’ve guessed it. I am the odd one out because all the others are raising money for Cancer Research UK in Quent’s name. Whereas I am getting Quent to help me raise money for a totally different cause (PushyMums walk for the African AIDS orphans). The least I can do is help them with fundraising.
Helen and Clare are doing Race for Life in Battersea Park in May. Helen has already set up a fundraising webpage - www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/helenlangley. If any of you (women only) want to Race For Life yourselves, see http://www.raceforlife.org/.
Andy, a Batchworth Scout, is canoeing 125 miles (!) from Devizes to Westminster over the Easter weekend. I can’t imagine anyone else will want to (be fit enough to) join in that one, but you might like to see their fundraising page. http://www.justgiving.com/dwcancerresearch
Andy, Clare and Helen are all raising money for Cancer Research UK, the world’s leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. If you would like to sponsor their efforts for Quent, just click on the links above (or give me a cheque payable to Cancer Research UK, if you don’t want to do it online).
Thanks very, VERY much – and good luck - to Clare, Helen and Andy from Quentin, Oakley and myself…
… And for those of you wondering what PushyMums is, see http://www.pushymums.org/. Any child losing a parent is a tragedy - and tragedy has already struck 13 million times in Africa. For every single child in Britain, there is an AIDS orphan in Africa. Whole families, schools, villages with no parents. For the last 3 years, we have been organising pram walks around Mother's Day to raise awareness of and money for those without mothers themselves. This year, we have gone into partnership with Save the Children. They plan to take the concept nationwide over the next few years, including media partners, corporate sponsors and hopefully millions of pounds raised. Quentin is our resident clown, seen here with Marion in 2005

Andy Spurr – Oxbridge student
Helen Langley – Masseuse
Clare McCaffrey – Violinist
Helen Webb – Housewife
You’ve guessed it. I am the odd one out because all the others are raising money for Cancer Research UK in Quent’s name. Whereas I am getting Quent to help me raise money for a totally different cause (PushyMums walk for the African AIDS orphans). The least I can do is help them with fundraising.
Helen and Clare are doing Race for Life in Battersea Park in May. Helen has already set up a fundraising webpage - www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/helenlangley. If any of you (women only) want to Race For Life yourselves, see http://www.raceforlife.org/.
Andy, a Batchworth Scout, is canoeing 125 miles (!) from Devizes to Westminster over the Easter weekend. I can’t imagine anyone else will want to (be fit enough to) join in that one, but you might like to see their fundraising page. http://www.justgiving.com/dwcancerresearch
Andy, Clare and Helen are all raising money for Cancer Research UK, the world’s leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. If you would like to sponsor their efforts for Quent, just click on the links above (or give me a cheque payable to Cancer Research UK, if you don’t want to do it online).
Thanks very, VERY much – and good luck - to Clare, Helen and Andy from Quentin, Oakley and myself…
… And for those of you wondering what PushyMums is, see http://www.pushymums.org/. Any child losing a parent is a tragedy - and tragedy has already struck 13 million times in Africa. For every single child in Britain, there is an AIDS orphan in Africa. Whole families, schools, villages with no parents. For the last 3 years, we have been organising pram walks around Mother's Day to raise awareness of and money for those without mothers themselves. This year, we have gone into partnership with Save the Children. They plan to take the concept nationwide over the next few years, including media partners, corporate sponsors and hopefully millions of pounds raised. Quentin is our resident clown, seen here with Marion in 2005

Cricky! Q has lost weight! I'm not sure he'll ever grow to fit into those trousers again.
I did hear a rumour that he had big feet though. You know what they say; big feet...
...big shoes!
Hi Helen - we haven't met but I'm an old school friend of Quents - We were just talking about him last night and recalling the time I got him on stage a Baccus.I found him on Friends Reunited today and learned the news - would love to send him a card but only have the old Goldthorpe Rd address. Can you email your addy to me so I can write? All the best to you both - God bless - Fiona Harvey, Royal, Aucott (been an interesting life) fiona.aucott@ntlworld.com
Thanks for the info for the Race for Life etc. The kids and me are doing it along with a lot of other children at our school, we are also doing another one as well but I can't remember what it's called but just glad that we can give a little back to such a worthy cause.
Hope you're all doing well.
Lots of love
Paul Janice Holly and Hannah xxx
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