Thursday, January 24, 2008

Solar, so good

It's been a week of anticipation in Ashbourne Grove. First Oakley's birthday party, then Quent's birthday, then Oakley's actual birthday - and of course the scan in Manchester on Tuesday.

All have gone off well. Oakley's party was exhausting but they all seemed to enjoy it. We went out for a lovely meal for Quent's birthday and yesterday we went to the London Transport Museum as a treat for the birthday boys. I am back on the thank you letters and hoping Oakley can write his own by next year.

Prof's secretary has just called to arrange an appointment to go through the scan results (first thing Monday). She said that the results are good, which is fantastic news - by far the best birthday present for both the boys.

But if you happen to talk to Quent about his exciting news, he'll probably think you're talking solar. The plumbers have gone and the solar heating is now... heating.

Even I am excited by it - it's AMAZING how hot the pipes are. The installation has left quite a trail of destruction in its wake, but it's hopefully worth it. We are now among the few who can smile when the 10 o'clock news talks again about rising fuel prices.

So much anticipation. And I haven't even started my tax return yet. What a week!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Q perfected the power electronics and management system for the wind farm he's going to install on the roof yet?

Glad you all got the presents you wanted.


Friday, January 25, 2008 11:59:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news ..... It's brilliant that the solar heating is working so well. I think that will have to be a project for the summer at Chez Wilcox.

PS - glad to hear your other news too!!

Good luck next week. Lots'a'luv


Friday, January 25, 2008 5:58:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, happy birthday to the birthday boys and good luck for next week.

A bit of news Paul (brother) and Tracey are getting married next year!!

Lots of love Janice Paul Holly and Hannah xxxx

Saturday, January 26, 2008 12:55:00 pm  
Blogger Sylvaine said...

Happy Birthday guys! You'll have to let Quentin tell us all about his heating system on the blog :)
Sylvaine and Panny

Saturday, January 26, 2008 9:35:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthdays!

Good luck with the results and with the solar heating.

All the best,


Tuesday, January 29, 2008 1:44:00 pm  

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