Sunday, April 06, 2008

Mixed news

We went out in the snow this morning. Sledging, snowball fights and a mighty fine snowman. Our first snow since our skiing holiday, when the outlook was very different.

One of our “cancer friends” called us last night, with mixed news. Bill was diagnosed with kidney cancer (secondaries in the lung) very early last year – a couple of months after Quent’s own diagnosis. His nephrectomy was successful and at first all seemed well, as his lung spots went into spontaneous regression. Since then, he’s had a much harder time than Quent, however, as further scans have revealed growths on his back and brain. Bill has successfully come through several operations to remove these and is now having to learn to walk again, after the latest surgery. It’s another reminder of how gruelling the fight against cancer can be – and how amazing the medical teams are.

Our thoughts are with Bill at this tough time – we wish him a speedy, total recovery and hope that, this time next year, he too will be out playing in the snow with his wife and son.


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