Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hold the line, please

Well it turns out my husband is a clot after all. He has a blood clot in his upper arm - and an infection. Quent never does anything by halves.

Apparently the infection is reasonably superficial and should clear up with antibiotics - 5 days worth to be taken four times a day, an hour before meals. This will be a challenge because he hasn't been awake that much, recently!

He also has needles, as he has to inject himself daily with something to thin the blood. For three months. It really does make me feel faint just thinking about it.

They still seem to be talking about Quent having more IL-2 next week. I haven't investigated what impact it might have on the lung operation. One step at a time. And the next step is going back to hospital today to have the line taken out - and resited next Tuesday in Manchester.

We are all a bit tired (and very tired of hospitals!), but otherwise we're fine.


Blogger Sylvaine said...

I hope you all manage to get some sleep betweent the antibiotics and injections :S

Take care
Panny and Sylvaine

Thursday, May 29, 2008 6:41:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can wait to see you both on Saturday, and give you both big but gentle hugs (as not to hurt Quent) it's a long time over due - are you really going to be up for it I feel done in just reading what you've been through lately xx See you Saturday Lve AM xx

Friday, May 30, 2008 4:11:00 pm  
Blogger Julia said...

Keep strong - you're all doing so well. I hope you can get a bit of a rest this weekend and enjoy sometime with Oakley.


Friday, May 30, 2008 10:09:00 pm  

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