Friday, January 22, 2021

Family time

 This evening we video-called the patient, to see his room and his pipework. He was sitting up in a chair, reading - as he has been for most of the day.

It's certainly not the best shot of Quent, but his smile is as broad as ever and he seemed in good spirits. Tomorrow, apparently, he will be given food for the first time since Wed, to see how the intestines are doing.

Meanwhile, I have become very conscious of how steep our stairs are. I can't wait to have him home, but only when he's ready. 

Oakley will turn 17 tomorrow. Not a great birthday without his friends, his Dad or his present (driving lessons, currently banned), but he's still smiling too. Quent's chirpy mini-me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Oakley.

Saturday, January 23, 2021 1:32:00 pm  
Blogger Jason said...

Happy Birthday to Oakley and a speedy recovery for Quent :)
Roll on another catch up walk when Quent is up for it :)

Sunday, January 24, 2021 9:40:00 am  

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