Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spring in our step

Quent was discharged on Sunday and we arrived home last night, after a couple of days' R&R with Lorna and Phil (Quent' sister and brother-in-law). They lay on lovely meals, good company, plenty of rest, cousins for Oakley and a heated indoor swimming pool. Very nice.

Quent continues to recover well. His "shark bite" is more 6-7" than 3-4", but it's healing nicely and is now dressing-free. He also has a greenstick fracture of the ribs (they weren't as bendy as they hoped!) which the surgeon said would "add to the discomfort". Quent is asleep more than he is awake, but he's as cheerful as ever when conscious and enjoys reading and resting with Oakley, in front of the fire.

Spring is not so much in our step as in our path - we arrived home to a carpet of crocuses and a magnificent display of snowdrops. There was an owl hooting in the night and the robin was feeding at the table this morning. It's great to be home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So great to hear you are all home....though wondering whether Lorna does B and B for anyone other than family as it sounded so comfortable. I had a greenstick fracture once, though for less "noble" reasons and highly recommend arnica!

Hope Quent continues to mend.
Lots of love from The Langleys xxx

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 9:23:00 pm  
Blogger Sylvaine said...

Really glad you're back home and the operation is done.
Take good care of yourselves.
Thanks for keeping up with the blog, it's really invaluable to be able to catch up on your progress.

Panny, Sylv (and the ever growing bump.)

Friday, February 20, 2009 1:24:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So pleased that you're back home and that nature had done it's best to welcome you back. Enjoy. Jen H xxx

Saturday, February 21, 2009 7:45:00 am  
Blogger Paula said...

Dear all,
I feel at home too... enjoy, and profites as they say in french....
Lots of love

Saturday, February 21, 2009 1:10:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done all of you. what a team you are. i was thinking of you today when I was doing the school run and realise I hadnt looked at the blog for a while. heaps of love to you all - tell Quent the very thought of bendy ribs makes me wince, so he is the real hero. xxxx Gill

Monday, February 23, 2009 4:51:00 pm  

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