Friday, July 31, 2009

Save the radio!

Quentin has asked me to post the following on the blog. He's no luddite and embraces everything digital, but says it's a nonsense to turn off analogue. Which is good news for my little radio in the bathroom, which he usually threatens to replace with a Sonos unit.

Please take the time to read the article by Libby Purves (which has nothing to do with cancer):

If you are concerned, you can sign the e petition here:

Thanks to Ben for the tip off.


Blogger Norbert Panhandle said...

Blimey - that article's bit wordy isn't it? The point you covered off in one sentence took her three paragraphs to get to.

I got half way down and gave up, but not before I had a chuckle at "melted chocolate on the £5 tranny". Thought Quent might like that.

Monday, August 03, 2009 2:00:00 pm  

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