Friday, August 13, 2010

Barnsley, Slough, Ilfracombe

A quick catch up with our news as I haven't updated the blog for ages.

On the kidney cancer front, Quent's next scan is 4th October. I mentioned that our friend Philip had had another cycle of IL-2. It was not without its complications and he ended up in intensive care for a few days. His next scan is next week and we sincerely hope it's good news.

Quent, meanwhile, has completed his 13 week back to work plan and is now working 3.5 days a week. Actually he is often still working quite late at night which is, I guess, a sign that he's enjoying it again. That's great news because he found it really hard to start with.

I have transferred from working on a project in Barnsley to working on a project in Slough. I'm a classy bird. I am still doing work for other clients and trying to juggle the wife, mother, gardener roles, so my admin is in its usual state of disarray. I was also offered a publishing deal the other day for a book I wrote years ago. It was quite random, but it's exciting as I have been meaning to dust it down for ages. I'll tell you more as it progresses, although I am not quite sure how it will progress, given we never seem to get to bed before midnight as it is.

And in the "work" category I can't overlook Oakley,whose school report started "Oakley is a delight to teach and an asset to the class." What more could you ask for? (Handwriting springs to mind, but I mustn't be picky.)

Progress on the house continues at a snail's pace. Now the foreman is back at work (see above) and Archie, our fabulous "do everything" man has put his back out trimming our beech hedge. It's not great news. This morning, Quentin had Oakley crawling behind the thermal store to put some insulation in. Quent says it's a job for a small person, but I reckon he sees the school holidays as an opportunity to boost our workforce.

Still, it's not all work. We're off camping near Ilfracombe soon. As I said, I'm a classy bird.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep you are a classy bird!

Love Paul C x

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:51:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Oakley is doin so well at school! Never doubted it for a minute! Wishing you all the best
Claire Smillie

Friday, September 10, 2010 11:57:00 pm  
Blogger Marius said...

Classy Bird ? Bint comes to mind,only the 4 jobs on the go Helen, your shoulder must still be affecting you.
Pray tell, what is wrong with utilizing little redundant school children whilst their teachers recharge their batteries inbetween the onslaught of terms ?

Tuesday, October 05, 2010 6:54:00 pm  

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