Midnight feasts
It's all very well adopting a no wheat, no sugar, no caffeine diet, but these books don't cover what to do at 5am when you find your patient downstairs and feeling great after two mince pies, some shortbread and a cup of tea!
Seriously, Quent's appetite is definitely returning and he is feeling more comfortable now they have removed the clips in his wound this morning.
We don't now get the results of the pathology for another two weeks as someone has been off sick, so we can focus our attentions totally on feeding him up and getting that wound sorted.
Seriously, Quent's appetite is definitely returning and he is feeling more comfortable now they have removed the clips in his wound this morning.
We don't now get the results of the pathology for another two weeks as someone has been off sick, so we can focus our attentions totally on feeding him up and getting that wound sorted.
And there was me thinking "The Ketchup Kid" would go for something red and squirty!
Great to hear you're feeling like eating more Quent - it always feels good to get some treats inside you.
I'm at work but I haven't yet asked the technician to help me send this - Let's hope it goes first time round!
Oh no! it's gone anonymous and I didn't even send LOTS OF LOVE LORNA!!! (A bit over anxious on the technology front after last time!)
Roger and I have just got back home after 36hrs or so with Helen and her two Webb boys and we can confirm that they are all as cheerful as ever. Yes, Quentin is looking thin but smiley, moving about and enjoying all Oakley's antics.Oakley must think he is in 7th heaven having so many stories read to him at regular intervals during the day by his Dad.Looking forward to seeing you again in the not too distant future Quent with you looking fuller in the face and with yet more sparkle returning to your eyes next time!
Love to you 3. M/Anne/Nana.
Great to hear you're back and "fattening up"!
Keep up the good work!
Glad to hear the Quent we know and love is getting back to normal. I'm sure no harm done in eating a few mince pies if they're there they need to be eaten after all.
I`ve worked with Quentin for over 5 years now and have huge respect for the man. Q knows i`ve been through much the same with my mum, kidney removal, hospital visit, etc etc. I`m sure he has the willpower and the support to see him thru this. I have every confidence in him, send him my regards.
Lee (Squirt) Widdowson (OpenPSL)
Great to hear Quent's home and doing well even if he is keeping everyone else on their toes! Keep up the good progress and we wish you all well.
I hae known Q for approximatley 5 years and have huge respect for the man. Q is aware that I`m currently going through the same with my mum, afer cancer was diagnosed 2 years ago. She has gone through pretty much the same treatment kidney removal etc etc. Could you pass on my regards to Q.
Lee "Squirt" Widdowson OPENPSL
Ps if you get a chance could you mail me the titles of the books that cover fighting cnacer through nutrition. Lee_widdowson@hotmail.com
Thanks again
The Webb Gang,
Firstly apologies for being so slow on the 'blog' uptake, the word sounds a bit too much like something one might find floating just north of the u-bend, quite frankly that put me off. Once i realised it had nothing to do with turds, I took a peek, and was shattered, amused, and overwhelmed by positivity all at once. whether Quent is eatin or not I'll be around demanding food and filling you in on my love life (which by the way is rather exotic at the moment) any time you lot feel up to it. Be prepared... Love you all, see you soon.
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