Monday, October 08, 2007

Hoop 'n cough

We are off to Charing Cross again tomorrow to see our friend Dr Savage. Quent has had a terrible cough all weekend. It's a bad version of one Oakley and I have had, so we don't think it's anything sinister, but we weren't sure if antibiotics from the GP would be suitable just before the next round of IL-2. Dr Savage has kindly offered to check it out.

It's ironic because Quent was only saying last week that he was feeling much better. He's pretty much back up to the pre-Manchester weight and the lump on his elbow has finally gone. He was saying that the Doctors really do know how long you need to recover - before they whack you with another round! In two weeks' time, he will have had a couple of doses so we have to focus on getting his chest clear of this infection.

I have started dreaming about IL-2. In my dream the hospital room was huge and full of all sorts of different friends. There was a car crash involved too. I guess I am getting a bit anxious.

Oakley is fine and continues to enjoy "big school". He told me the other day that now he's at big school, he really likes onions and aubergines - and can I please put some in his birthday cake, with a tiny bit of chocolate. Move over Nigella. He's also getting into the playground chat. "Mum, I really like Dr Hoop, he's so cool" he told me. I think it's an improvement - Dr Hoop would have those Daleks on the run.

Anyway, who are we to laugh about Doctors with strange names? Charing Cross, here we come.


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