Monday, August 13, 2007

To sleep, perchance to dream

We both slept well last night. I had vivid dreams - is there such a thing as passive pethidine? I was in a motorbike rally and everyone was getting cross I was so slow. Frankly, I have enough on my plate without joining the Hell's Angels. Quent had had four doses of pethidine, so goodness knows how exotic his dreams were. By morning he was together enough to explain to me about the throttle.

The lower dose had no effect on the rigours. Quent had three doses of pethidine straight away and the fourth an hour later when he had a second bout of the wriggles. However, we were spared the nerve racking SATS drama of the previous few doses, which was great news. This morning he has had dose 8 and needed four lots of pethidine all at once to calm it. That's the maximum they can give so I hope he doesn't get second wind. We are waiting to see if his SATS fall.

Quent wanted you all to know how swollen he is. I told you he had put on 10 kg - this results in his hands looking like blown up Marigold gloves. Should there be a Misery II, he may beat Kathy Bates for the starring role. His skin is also very very dry and flaky and we regularly do an all over acqueous cream rub. It's not as sensual as it sounds. I am not great at judging amounts and he usually ends up looking as if he is about to swim the Channel.

Sylv is right that I thought this would be the last dose. It still will be if he fails the weigh in. If this were the Grand National of hospital checks, I guess he would go on the scales with his blood pressure cuff, oxygen mask and sick bowl. I might suggest it to the nurses because with that lot he'd definitely be barred from more doses. If he passes the weigh in, the Prof is keen to go again this evening. It seems there's a 3 for 2 offer on reduced doses.

Whatever happens, at midnight tonight, it's "Drips down, stop treating, please". We can't wait.


Blogger Sylvaine said...

I couldn't resist posting because your dream sequence reminded me of an article I've read (in a mag' with zero scientific evidence) which went on to explain that dreams are a great way for the brain to "release" overwhelming feelings.
"Slow motion" dreams are said to express your feeling of helplessness in a situation where you feel you can't do as much as you would like to.

You know sometimes it just means you drink too much coffee or you need more sleep ;)


Monday, August 13, 2007 11:00:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Helen and Quent (and Frances),
I'm on the absolute edge of my seat...thank goodness for Professor NOS, and remember chocolate generally makes you feel better. We're sending good vibes from Australia,

Louise and family

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 1:40:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hlen and Quentin (and Oakley), You are always in our thoughts and cannot wait to see you all very soon - this time at the Bonuglia's for a plate of pasta or two . We Love you lots Ciao Chiara & Gianni xxxxxxx

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 4:35:00 pm  

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