Thursday, November 02, 2006


1. Wound update = it was indeed infected. Staphycoccus. Apparently without that it would be all healed over by now. It's set us back about a week, but hopefully the antibiotics will do their stuff and we will be back on track soon.
2. On a more cheerful note, when Quent was in hospital, I received two limericks (from different people).

There is a young fellow called Quent,
With a kidney the size of a tent,
He can still raise a smile
Despite lots of green bile
Which nurses use for ex-peri-ment

When Quentin was left with one kidney,
It announced to his friends "Hi. I'm Sidney.
Quent's full of good humour
Now we've cut out the tumour.
I did well- so did Quent. Well, didn't he?"

Entries welcome....You know you want to! ;o)

3. And to link those two bits of news, here's a limerick of my own:

On the wound we know we must focus
To fight this thing staphycoccus
So since Halloween
Nurses keep it quite clean
While I stand and shout "hocus pocus"!

Have a great Bonfire Night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello gorgeous Webbs, We're so thrilled that Quent is going from strength to strength, and hopefully his waistline will start paying for those pies soon! Thinking of you loads and hopefully will be able to pop in with a bag of grapes (twix/pies/pork scratchings?)when we're down in London, late November.I'll call you, helen.
Huge hug and kiss,
Amanda, Dave and Finn xxx

Sunday, November 05, 2006 10:16:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Quent, cancer's a temporary curse,
'Cos he's beaten things that were worse.
A bit of a sinner,
But always a winner,
And his wife is a wonderful nurse.

Sunday, November 05, 2006 11:00:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q's version:

There was a Scout leader from Ricky
Who said to his wife "Diet's tricky.
If I'm to get fitter,
I need Guinness and bitter.
No wonder I'm feeling quite dicky."

H's version:

There was a Scout leader from Ricky
Who said to his wife "Diet's tricky.
If I'm to get fitter
I need Guinness and bitter."
But she thought he was taking the mickey.

Monday, November 06, 2006 8:26:00 am  
Blogger Norbert Panhandle said...

They say that Quent's full of surprises,
That his balls are of different sizes,
The one that is small,
is of no use at all,
But the other's won several prizes.

Monday, November 06, 2006 10:51:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were gutted when we heard the rumour
That Quent had a very large tumour
But it's great we've all got
Your clever Blogspot
To see you've still got your old sense of humour!

Come raid our cupboard and play with our castle any time you need to!

Much love
John, Helen, Joseph and Harry xxx

Monday, November 06, 2006 9:39:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gald to hear you are recovering slowly but surely Quent...
Lots of people you don't even know are enquiring about you...
Well, Helen, being such a popular gal, has many friends and aquaintances in the travel industry..Having just tramped around world travel market for 2 days, I kept being asked about your progress and was happy to update people thanks to this excellent blog!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006 6:01:00 pm  

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