Thursday, November 18, 2010


Exactly a year ago, our new kitchen was fitted. We’re still delighted with it and I thought I would show you some pictures. Sadly the underfloor heating doesn't show up in the image.

Here's the before and after (the 'before' taken in daylight and the 'after' taken just now, 00.30)...

...And a special one taken "through the hatch" for those familiar with how the house used to be.

Meanwhile, I am reminded how lucky we are to be looking back and seeing such trivial things as kitchens. Two years ago, they found a new cancer spot on Quent's lung and we plunged back into the world of uncertainty and concern.

Which is where the Sharps are this year. Today is a crucial day for Alex, the 3 year old son of a friend of Quentin’s. He has a neuroblastoma and has been having treatment in Oxford, almost daily since May. He needs an operation to survive and today he had a scan to see whether his spots have shrunk enough for them to operate. His father, Ben, writes a fantastic blog which puts this one to shame. Our thoughts are with them today and we have everything crossed for the results next week.

This Christmas will be our fifth since Quent was diagnosed, a near impossibility according to the medics at the time. As Alex and his family approach their first 'Christmas with Cancer', we truly hope they will be happily posting pictures of kitchen units on their blog in 2014.