Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Two weeks on...

I wasn’t sure Quentin should be slipping about in the mud and the water, but we’d had a flood warning call and he felt it had to be investigated. I reassured myself that Ranulph Fiennes ran 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days just 3 months after his heart attack, so I can’t be the only wife whose « take it easy » advice is ignored. I did manage to keep him inside on Sunday, the day after he left hospital - and our only snow day this winter.  This brings to mind another recuperation period.

By Tuesday, Quent’s catheter and clips had been removed and I was much more relaxed about our little outing:

I might not be a great nurse, but Quent is a top patient. The antibiotics and the painkillers are finished, the wounds are healing beautifully, he’s swapped surgical stockings for walking socks and he’s working hard at the recommended exercises and diet. 

It’s hard to believe that this time two weeks ago, I was still hoping the op would go ahead!