In October it will be ten, yes TEN years since Quent was diagnosed. The doctor who diagnosed him told us we'd have about ten months so we are over the moon that he is still with us.
If you're reading this, you probably know Quentin and hopefully you've enjoyed his company over that time. I can imagine what those 10 years would have been like for Oakley and myself, without him... but thankfully we've not had to experience it.
Many others have not been so lucky, of course, and we know that the loss of someone to cancer is a devastating and terrible experience.
Prof Hawkins, who saved Quent's life, continues to save many others and works tirelessly to develop ground-breaking treatments for many different types of cancer - largely with immunotherapy and stem cell research. He's right at the bleeding edge of cancer research.

So we're having a party to celebrate Quent's achievement and (more importantly) to raise money for the Prof, so that many others can share the joy we feel. The Christie has agreed to ring-fence our donations especially for Prof Hawkins.
The party is an overnight camping trip in Chorleywood, with BBQ, bonfire and live music. On 1st October 2016. If you know us, and want more details, please email me or leave a message on this post.
If you can't make it but would like to donate to help the Prof save others from cancer, please go straight to:
And on 2nd October we will start the next 10 years of adventure!
Thanks, Prof. You're amazing.
And if you choose to donate.. Thanks. You're amazing too!
If you're reading this, you probably know Quentin and hopefully you've enjoyed his company over that time. I can imagine what those 10 years would have been like for Oakley and myself, without him... but thankfully we've not had to experience it.
Many others have not been so lucky, of course, and we know that the loss of someone to cancer is a devastating and terrible experience.
Prof Hawkins, who saved Quent's life, continues to save many others and works tirelessly to develop ground-breaking treatments for many different types of cancer - largely with immunotherapy and stem cell research. He's right at the bleeding edge of cancer research.

So we're having a party to celebrate Quent's achievement and (more importantly) to raise money for the Prof, so that many others can share the joy we feel. The Christie has agreed to ring-fence our donations especially for Prof Hawkins.
The party is an overnight camping trip in Chorleywood, with BBQ, bonfire and live music. On 1st October 2016. If you know us, and want more details, please email me or leave a message on this post.
If you can't make it but would like to donate to help the Prof save others from cancer, please go straight to:
And on 2nd October we will start the next 10 years of adventure!
Thanks, Prof. You're amazing.
And if you choose to donate.. Thanks. You're amazing too!