Song titles
However, there is a caveat. (There always seems to be a caveat). There is something else on one of Quentin’s lungs, which looks “odd”. (Official term; a nodule in the ingula.) Apparently it doesn’t look like a classic metastases. Looking back over previous CT scans, it has been there throughout Quent’s treatment and has barely changed in size. This suggests it’s not cancer (which would either shrink or grow). However, we can’t be sure.
One (the safest) option is to remove it, surgically - something they could not have considered with several spots on both lungs. The operation would be major surgery, although it would not be complicated, as the nodule is very close to the outside of the lung.
The Prof is going to get a second opinion from the surgeon to see if they think it’s best to operate or not. The operation would probably be in September, once Quentin has recovered from his next round of IL-2.
Meanwhile, we can celebrate the disappearance of the spots. I didn’t know whether to name this post “Who let the spots out”, “Ding, dong the spots are dead” or “I will survive”. So I thought I’d go for a spot (a’hem) of audience participation. In “Sorry, I haven’t got a clue” style, can you please suggest song titles for getting rid of cancer spots?