Good news! Quent's scan result is "stable" (still the one spot, growing a bit but not much). So it's just another operation to take that section out of Quent's right lung - within the next few weeks. I know major lung surgery is not on everyone's Christmas list, but we are very pleased.
I do have one concern. I'm worried that, when they do the lung surgery, Quent's immune system will turn its attention to repairing the hole and take its eye off splatting the spots. (The last spot appeared sometime between end July and early Nov, when Quent had two operations.) I realise I won't win any Nobel Prizes for such a hypothesis, but we could get ourselves into a bit of a vicious circle if I'm right..."There's a spot in my lung, dear Liza, dear Liza."
And of course, I still have a few questions for Prof, who is a Professor of Patience as well as Medicine. When we saw him on Monday, and I put my theory to him, he didn't dismiss it totally. He said we might be able to do a shot of low dose IL-2, to supercharge the immune system before the surgery (Think Red Bull before a long journey). But then he and Quentin talked themselves out of it - Quent said he thought his immune system felt fine after the surgery (His theories are at least as ridiculous as mine.) I still think it's a great idea and will ask just one more time if they'll give it a go. And there's the German vaccine, raised last year as a possibility, if we do surgery. (They would use the tumour removed from the lung, to create a personalised vaccine, which has had some, albeit few, incidences of success.)
I mention the above to pre-empt questions from those of you studying for Mastermind; Specialist Subject "Quent's blog". And to reassure the rest of you that I am as inquisitive (exasperating) as ever and that we will still pursue every possible avenue / series of avenues, to find a cure for Quent.