Low level ecstacy
We have been home nearly two weeks now and we're slowly getting back to some sense of normality. A sleepy sense of normality. We go to bed early and get up as late as a three year old allows (including sneaking back to bed when he's at nursery). Quent generally has an additional three to four hours' sleep during the day. And I feel I could, given half the chance.
This weekend was the middle weekend of the two week Scout camp - a highlight of Quent's diary. Every eighteen months, the (Sea) Scout Group is inspected by the Royal Navy and it's quite a big thing. This Saturday was the inspection and Quent was very keen to be there. Camping wasn't really an option and all local B&Bs were full, so a friend of ours came to the rescue and we stayed with her parents, on the other side of Poole Harbour. We arrived Friday and left Sunday and were able to go back to our room for afternoon sleeps.
The Scouts gave us all a wonderful welcome. Quent was delighted to be around for the inspection (which they passed with flying colours, of course), Oakley was in his element with so many friends to play with and I enjoyed doing very little. The Commanding Officer was treated to displays on numerous dinghies, catamarans, rescue boats and kayaks (re-enacting the Lime Bay disaster and how to get out of the situation unscathed). They even took a yacht down there and the Cubs visited for the weekend to built a raft. The final display was a climbing and abseiling exercise from a huge tower, constructed from telegraph poles and home-made rope ladders.
In "A Walk in the Woods, Bill Bryson uses the term "low level ecstacy". I think it used to be called simple pleasures. For Bryson, (following the Appalachian Trail) it was taking a shower after days without - or eating something other than noodles. For Quent, (following Christie's) it's dinner in the garden, playing lego with Oakley - or sneaking off with a few Scouts and a chain saw to chop logs for the campfire.